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Recent Work
Ed-Web Webinar
5 Authentic Literacy Strategies to Promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Sponsored by Learning Without Tears
This August I worked with Learning Without Tears to present an EdWeb Webinar where we shared literacy strategies which promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. In this project we focused on giving educators the tools which they could implement into their classrooms immediately. Watch the entire presentation using the link below.
Revision of "Read with Me" early literacy curriculum
In Partnership with KERA a PBS member television station
This spring I worked with KERA to revise their "Read with Me" early literacy development curriculum for parents. Using current research I was able to incorporate evidence-based strategies for early literacy development into their parent training materials in English and in Spanish. These strategies included activities to promote oral language development, and phonemic awareness as well as other components that align with the science of reading.

Virtual Workshop for Literacy Achieves - January 2022
High Impact Evidence-Based Practices for English Learners
In January of 2022 I delivered a workshop to Literacy Achieves teachers on what the research shows are high impact strategies for individuals learning English. We discussed several strategies including vocabulary-building activities, leveraging the native language, and limiting the use of figurative language. Participants left the session with tools they could implement immediately in their classrooms.

Southern Methodist University: SEAL - March 2021
Considerations During Instruction for Students with Behavior Challenges and Disorders
I was invited to deliver a presentation on best practices during instruction for students with behavioral challenges. Successful behavior management has been a long-time concern for educators. Research tells us that there is a significant relationship between student behavior in the classroom and the surrounding environment. This presentation included specific strategies that anyone can implement when providing instruction for and working with students with behavioral needs.

Behavior Management and Intervention Course
Southern Methodist University
During my time at SMU I had the opportunity to teach a graduate level course on classroom management and behavior interventions. Topics in this course included positive behavior supports, functional behavior assessments, social-emotional learning and specific methods for reducing problem behaviors. Throughout the course I was able to work with each student-teacher in completing a capstone project where they provided intervention to a child in their classroom who was exhibiting challenging behaviors.

Series of Professional Development Workshops for their Summer Literacy Academy
Center for Black Educator Development
For the past 3 summers I have had the opportunity to work with the Center for Black Educator Development on their summer literacy academies. My work with CBED included providing in depth training on the Friends on the Block literacy curriculum, training and advisement on literacy assessments, guidance on student grouping for tutoring.
Full-day in-person professional development workshop - Spanish House Preschool & Spanish House Elementary School (now Spanish World School) - Delivered in Spanish
Trabajando Con Estudiantes Que Tienen Necesidades Especiales
Working with Students who have Special Needs
I delivered two full-day workshops to preschool and elementary school teachers on best practices for students with special needs. These practices included instructional strategies for math and literacy, as well as behavior strategies and interventions.
Other Projects
Friends on the Block: Provided and continue to provide in-person and virtual training on the Friends on the Block literacy curriculum.
Learning Without Tears: Served as an advisor for their Phonics Reading and Me and their Mat Man and Me literacy curriculums.
Dallas Afterschool: Created and conducted a survey to assess the literacy needs of their network of afterschool providers. Delivered a series of workshops to support the literacy initiatives for their partners.
Watch me during a reading session with my son Gabriel (6).
Watch me during a reading session with my son Daniel (4).
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